All articles about: Repairs

Sizes of kitchen sink
All about the size of the kitchen sink
What size should an ideal sink be, so that in the process of washing dishes the water does not splash, the clothes do not soak, and the trays and pans easily fit? We answer this and other common questions about the size of kitchen sinks.
How to choose a sink for the kitchen
Choosing a kitchen sink in 5 easy steps.
We are getting ready to buy a kitchen sink and find out why we need to bring a magnet to the store, what depth the bowl should have so that water does not splash when washing dishes, and what are afraid of washing from artificial stone later in the article.
DIY painting the walls of the kitchen
Himself a painter - painting the walls in the kitchen
How to paint the walls in the kitchen neat and simple, with no experience? What paints can withstand frequent washing? Why paints for kitchen decoration are more expensive? What you need to know before buying materials: paints, brushes and rollers? We answer questions and study the "painting" case.
Ceramic kitchen floor tiles
All about ceramic floor tiles in the kitchen
We are preparing for the purchase of floor tiles for the kitchen - we get acquainted with the quality indicators and draw ideas of the design of tile floors from the selection of interior photos.
Porcelain tiles in the kitchen - 99% perfect floor
We answer the questions: how does porcelain tile differ from ceramic tiles? What's better? What are its pros and cons? What types, sizes and design are there? How not to get lost in the store and how to lay a tile of ceramic granite with your own hands?
parquet on the kitchen floor
Floorboard in the kitchen - all the pros and cons
It is considered to be impractical to lay the floorboard in the kitchen. How fair is this? We understand the pros and cons, compare the floorboard with laminate and find out what affects its price. Choose a suitable breed of wood and see photos of the floors in the interior.
kitchen floor in bulk
Self-leveling kitchen floor
The advantages of self-leveling floors. Terms of surface preparation for the application of such a coating. How to work with the composition for self-leveling floors. How to decorate the coating. Photo polymer floor in the interior.